Homeschooling with 3 kids

    Homeschooling with 3 kids who are all in different grades is so much harder than I expected! It has deffinately been an experience for all of us.  Our new normal has been so different than when I was growing up. Covid really changed everything for so many people, but some more than others. Fingers crossed cases in our area stay down because my oldest and youngest really want to go back to a regular school for the 22-23 school year.

    In some ways I LOVE homeschooling them, since I get to choose exactly what they are going to learn. Plus, since they are smart alot of things we fly through in one lesson, where as they would spend days, if not weeks, working on the same thing in a school setting because all of the children in the class need to learn it as well.

    The worst part, I feel is the social aspect. My kids don't play with any of the kids in our neighborhood. The friends they did hang out with in school live driving distance, and due to my youngest having a bad immune system we have to keep to ourselves as much as possible. When it all first happened we definately couldnt have play dates, you just don't know how other people live or who they are around. We couldnt risk our childs life, or my husbands paycheck for that matter!

    Luckily it is started to warm up, and my momma bought all of the kids bikes for birthday gifts (my youngest actually turned 9 today!! In a year all my babies will be in double digits!!). I got myself one as well and we are going to be outside riding at least a few times a week once daddy gets them all put together for us.

    I know I have not posted much, but I have had one crazy year. Kids are time consuming under usual circumstances, homeschooling 3 of them in 3 different grades, and 3 different ways of learning, makes it so much more so! I am going to try to post more often. 

I promise eventually I will finish telling my story as well. For now, I'm behind on my morning already. I hope everyone is still being careful. Masks are still important, even if they are not mandatory... it could potentially save your life!!


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