Explaining the title of my blog...

Normal... what's that?? I had a hard time deciding what to choose as the title for my blog because its not like most blogs out there now a days. I dont post products or DIY. I dont necessarily post about facts. I post things that I know, or at least hope, that other people can relate to. And who in this crazy world we live in can't relate to the fact that WE. ARE. ALL. DIFFERENT!!!

That's not a bad thing, being different just means we are all unique, we all have our own ways of doing things. I mean how boring would the world be if we all were just "normal" and did things exactly the same. This is the 21st century here people, not the 19th century.

We have women's rights, gay marriage,  and all kinds of other things we consider just a part of life now.  Any one of them would have shocked the 'H E double hockey sticks' out of any single person who even considered those things in the 19th century.. unless they were time travelers of course lol ;)  But that's the new normal. 

So like I said in the very first blog I posted, who gets to define what "normal" is? In my opinion we all do, we decide what our own normal is!! 

I live a quiet life, as a stay at home mom, and I'm lucky enough to be able to do that. Now a days that's not "normal" according to the society.  The majority of houses have both parents going to work, while someone else takes care of their kids until they get home.  I'm blessed to be able to be home and raise my kids, make sure they do homework right after school  (well at the moment they are off school for a while due to this coronavirus epidemic). I make sure they have a routine of my choosing, nmw. Its hectic, but that's my life!! 
My point being, that's my normal, being home with my kids.  We live a quiet life and up until I started this site I havent used social media in years.... yes YEARS!! In today's day and age that's FAR from "normal", but to me it is. I like the lack of drama :)

While there are people who spend hours a day on there, like I did at one point. I used to post just about everything. But that was a long time ago now. Yet there are people who are worse today than I have every been, because that is their "normal".

So I chose the name of my Blog to be what it is because,  even tho not all my posts will have anything at all to do with that, IT has everything to do with my posts. 

The name of my blog is just Life in general now a days. We are all our own person. Not everyone stands up to the standards society puts on us and we shouldn't have to. We should be who we want to be,  as long as it's the best person we can be :)

But what's normal?? Who gets to say what it is... life is just life. Normal is what YOU choose for it to be. There isn't a person out there who can tell you you're wrong for being you!!! Love your life and stop trying to be what other people consider normal.

That's what my Blogs title means. You only get 1 life, enjoy it the way you want, not trying to appease others and stand up to their standard of "normal"!!! 

"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be" -Maya Angelou


  1. Hey, it has been a SUPER long time!! I hope you & the kiddies are doing well <3 I havent posted anything on here in like a year, but was going thru, reading all the past posts and saw your comment.
    I hope you & your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!!.. my number is the same as its been for years, if you ever wanna catch up. xoxo


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