COVID-19 affects everything!!

So I wrote this on Monday,  saved it multiple times in the process (having 3 kids makes it hard to do much for myself,  especially right now),  but somehow when I came back to finish up it had disappeared from my drafts!!! Gahhh!!! I was so frustrated and irritated and just... Well in general I was in a bad😡 mood after that. So I have put off redoing it until now,  even tho it was meant for Mondays post :/ sorry guys!

Anyway,  Sunday April 5th my youngest daughter turned 🎉7 years old🎊. In 12 years,  30 birthdays (altogether between my 3 kids),  and lots of celebrations,  this is the first birthday we didn't get to do much of anything to celebrate for her. She didn't get to see her friends, have a birthday party with cake and games and gifts🎁. She didn't get to go out to have a family dinner,  she didn't even get to see my mom :( 

This COVID-19 affects everything!! Because of it my 7 year old,  and lots of other kids in this world we live in,  don't get to celebrate their birthdays🎈 like they're used to doing. As much as I can NOT stand this saying,  its true... ITS NOT FAIR❗❗

 Our children have to learn to do school from home because of COVID-19,  and that is no easy task when working with no working laptop💻 :/  Plus having 3 kids to have here who need help because they aren't just learning their curriculum as usual,  but on top of it they have to learn to do it in a whole new way📱!! 

There are so many people who aren't able to work because their jobs aren't considered essential. Then on the other hand we have people who HAVE to work and be exposed to hundreds of people each day🚔🚑🏨. They could possibly even be passing the virus and not even knowing it!!! 

  Its scary how much of our lives are affected by COVID-19!!  About 30 percent of people who have it are just carriers of the virus. Meaning they have it,  and are passing it on without anyone,  including themselves,  knowing it. They have no symptoms what so ever,  they seem fine,  but inside they are carrying the virus that has killed a very large amount of people in the world already.

  Many people wonder how things got so bad so fast. Maybe even why it's getting worse and worse. Of course we could talk about the how and why until our faces turn blue,  but the fact is COVID-19 is killing people and we don't know how to stop it.

  We may not know how to stop what's happened so far,  and what is continuing to happen,  but we have ideas on how to slow it down so less people are affected. If only more people took the necessary precautions. Unfortunately too many people don't think its as serious as it truly is!! Or maybe they just believe it couldn't possibly happen to them❓.. Who knows❔

  It can and will happen,  no matter what you think. Even taking precautions its possible! All it takes is that 1 person who is just a carrier being around you and you unknowingly could end up with this awful virus killing off too many of our beautiful worlds🌎 people. COVID-19 is affecting more things than most people realize. 

Courts are closed,  but people are still in jail,  possibly in there without being convicted and only accused. They have no way of social distancing,  but the guards could be bringing COVID-19 inside and potentially killing an innocent person who should be home with his family. Possibly healthy. Or even if sick at least sick and with their loved ones. 

  People who are fighting to get custody of their children back. COVID-19 is making that impossible right now because they can't go to court,  its all shut down. So not only are they stressed about not being able to be with their kids. They are stressed and freaking out because who knows of the children's caretakers are taking the precautions needed to keep everyone safe. Well as safe as possible. 

  The list could go on. COVID-19 affects everything!!!! Not just you and the things you want or can't find in the store🛒. This is affecting people to the core. Their whole lives being thrown into a blender and that blender turned on. They don't know what is up⬆,  down⬇,  or sideways➡⬅ right now because everything they know is different. That includes our children being out of school📚. This whole epidemic is not just killing people literally,  but its killing some inside,  in a way others will never understand!!

"The greatest compassion is the prevention of human suffering through patience, alertness,  courage,  and kindness" -Amit Ray



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