
Showing posts from March, 2020

Kids... gotta love em, but co-parenting can be a pain in the...

Whether you are a mommy or a daddy, co parenting with a difficult ex can be extremely frustrating!!!  Sometimes I wonder what the heck I was thinking when I dated him... was I drunk the whole entire time?? Then I look at my kid and realize that everything happens for a reason ♡  My child's father and new wife love to make our lives difficult,  and act like I'm this terrible person because I dont cater to their every whim. God forbid they have to be responsible -_-  I know lots of people can relate! Whether you are a dad or a mom, it's all the same.  In my case I am raising 3 children, one being my ex husband's, biologically, but my fiance and I raise all 3 of them as our own. My kids are great!! They are so smart and amazing and make me so proud constantly, especially when it comes to school. My fiance and I have drilled it into their little heads from the beginning that everything they do in school will effect their future, college, all that. If they fall behin...

Who gets to say what normal is??

Life is a crazy, hectic, amazing miracle!! Every single one of us is different in so many ways, yet we are always compared to each other.  This is something I have never understood.  What I consider normal may be totally different from what my next door neighbor considers normal  (and oh believe me, it truly is!! Lol) Yet society compares us anyway. People treat others cruely if they dont stand up to their expectations,  or if they dont act a certain way. Even children now a days can be cruel because of learning things at home. For instance, a little girl in my 1st grade daughters class told my daughters friend, while they were in daycare together, that my child is fat.  The next day he came in and told my child what the little girl said. Luckily my kids know that they are perfect the way they are and it didnt bother her as much as it could have. My point being who gets to decide these things?? "Society" has such a disgusting view on some things, and "socie...