
Old & New

   I wrote this a while ago, about a year back! I have been going thru alot of health issue since and blogging hasnt really been on my mind (its been YEARS, about a decade, since i even did social media on a regular basis lol).  I really do want to start posting at least once a week. I do have 3 kids and 1 does homeschool, but I enjoy writing :)    * * * * * *  These last few years have been a roller coaster, to say the least! I started this blog in March of 2020, right around the time that we, here in the United States, found out about COVID-19. Never saw this coming though, did we??  I could name so many things I would have done different if I were more than just a regular joe when it all went down. Then I think about what I tell my kids all the time when we watch a show or movie and they say something like, "What is she doing just standing there? I would get outta there while I have the chance.." or "I could never eat out of a dumpster, I would rath...

Homeschooling with 3 kids

     Homeschooling with 3 kids who are all in different grades is so much harder than I expected! It has deffinately been an experience for all of us.  Our new normal has been so different than when I was growing up. Covid really changed everything for so many people, but some more than others. Fingers crossed cases in our area stay down because my oldest and youngest really want to go back to a regular school for the 22-23 school year.     In some ways I LOVE homeschooling them, since I get to choose exactly what they are going to learn. Plus, since they are smart alot of things we fly through in one lesson, where as they would spend days, if not weeks, working on the same thing in a school setting because all of the children in the class need to learn it as well.     The worst part, I feel is the social aspect. My kids don't play with any of the kids in our neighborhood. The friends they did hang out with in school live driving distance, and due...

A Bit More of Me..

      In my last post, I wrote a bit about my past and my addiction, but I didn't say much because I got into my son's birth. Plus, I kinda started at the end, sort of. I mean, being a recovering addict, there truly is no end, this is something I will have with me for the rest of my life.       Even after being clean for over 8 years, and living life like a "normal" family, there are people who are clean for decades and end up relapsing. Of course, I hope that isn't going to be a part of my story one day, but none of us know what the future holds. All we can do it live one day at a time, and be the best person we can be. They say to always try to be a better person than you were yesterday... Really, that is all we can do!!           Addiction is a disease, it truly is no different than any other, beside the fact that we have the will power inside of us (when we are ready to live right) to control the disease that is inside...

A Peek Into the Past..

      First I want to say, I know I said in my last post that I wanted to start writing at least once a week, but I truly did not understand how difficult homeschooling would be!! It has been a VERY hectic month-ish. I knew it would be different and even though I did do research on the curriculum and whatnot, until you actually start doing it... well it is so much more than I ever expected.      Unfortunately, because of doing virtual school the last year and a half of their young lives, I did not realize how behind they truly are (my 2 children in middle school at least, since I have taught my youngest most of what she has learned she is actually on point, and ahead in some areas). The beginning of the year, in Maryland & I assume other places, children always do review, mainly in the 2 main classes; Math and ELA (English/Language Arts). When we did a diagnostic to see where each of my children are in those classes, and what they need more practice in,...

Having School Age Children During Covid

  Things have been super crazy since schools got shut down last April when Covid came out to the public. We live in Maryland and at first it was only supposed to be a 2 week break, then when it was realized how serious Covid really was schools shut down for the rest of the year. The kids were given work to do so they could still work on what they needed to for that school year, which was almost over (Thank Goodness!!!), but for kids who's parent aren't super into their education I imagine it was extremely hard.   Unfortunately, the area we live in there were alot of kids who were pretty much on their own. Not only for the end of that year, but last year they did virtual, online classes. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!!! I have 3 kids and I taught them more than their teachers did. Luckily my children have always gotten really good grades and pick up on most things fairly quickly, at least compared to some of the other kids their age.    The online learning was horrible!! Many ADU...

Video games, books and UFC.. How we pass time being stuck at home because of COVID-19

  This COVID-19 epidemic all over the world has all of us on lock down,  for the most part. Our lives have completely been "flipped turned upside down" (gotta love Will Smith ;) lol). All of us have our own ways of filling the time. Some of us don't know what to do to fill the time. I mean who wants to be stuck in the house🏠 ALL the time. Unless your someone like me,  who enjoys being home more than being anywhere else.  I just prefer to stay inside. Even so,  having the choice to go do something being  taken from me isnt the same as choosing to be home.   My favorite thing to do besides just being with my children is to read📖. I love science fiction books and can read a book in a day (when the kids arent home 24/7). I have kindle unlimited so that I can read just about anything,  and alot of times there are too many books📚 to choose from and I can't decide which to read!! I couldn't tell you how many times I have fallen asleep😴 tr...

COVID-19 affects everything!!

So I wrote this on Monday,  saved it multiple times in the process (having 3 kids makes it hard to do much for myself,  especially right now),  but somehow when I came back to finish up it had disappeared from my drafts!!! Gahhh!!! I was so frustrated and irritated and just... Well in general I was in a bad😡 mood after that. So I have put off redoing it until now,  even tho it was meant for Mondays post :/ sorry guys! Anyway,  Sunday April 5th my youngest daughter turned 🎉7 years old🎊. In 12 years,  30 birthdays (altogether between my 3 kids),  and lots of celebrations,  this is the first birthday we didn't get to do much of anything to celebrate for her. She didn't get to see her friends, have a birthday party with cake and games and gifts🎁. She didn't get to go out to have a family dinner,  she didn't even get to see my mom :(  This COVID-19 affects everything!! Because of it my 7 year old,  and lots of other kids in this worl...